Blog Now on recently spoke with Micala Rush, Expressive Arts Coordinator for the Youthville Chalk Art Festival coming up this Saturday, May 30th, in the Wichita area of Kansas. The event is free and will include demonstrations by top professional artists in Kansas, live music, chalk art, and a silent auction. If you live in the area, come out and support this positive event!
Here's what Micala has to say about their event...
What are the highlights for the Chalk Art Festival that everyone should be aware of this year?
Chalk Art Festival is a special event in that it draws on the mission of Youthville “Giving Children back their childhood”. The very nature of Chalk is reminiscent of childhood and the freedom to create without fear of failure. Chalk is forgiving in this way. Youthville works hard to provide the children in our care with opportunities for expression and creativity, the community in Newton and surrounding areas has helped create an atmosphere at the festival that further supports this goal.
What do we look forward to that will be new to artists and street painting fans this year?
The community are the main “street artists” as most of our local and regional artists are creating on large primed boards that we will have up for silent auction. I think this is unique in that it takes the art from the festival and gives it permanence with in the community.
Do you have a theme or special focus for the festival?
We have not focused the festival aesthetically and only hope to have all of the artists create from the vision of hope and expression.
Does the festival work with arts education or related subjects?
The Expressive Arts Center’s main focus is not to “teach art” but provide the tools for making art. In this way the main goal of the festival is not from an education stand point, but we do hope to create awareness and education about children in the system. There is hope that as we grow we can involve more high school artists as a form of arts education.
Let’s talk about the mission of Youthville and how street painting (chalk) art is able to bring positive attention and support to Youthville and its activities.
Again from the first answer, we hope, we hope that Children no matter what life has dealt them can still find a childhood. Art is a tool for transporting us through this life, no matter how difficult it has been. The chalk is a vehicle; we hope the journey is enjoyable. We hope that we can show the community that they too can engage in creativity and help others to believe in the mission.
Are there special artists coming to work from the region that we should know about?
We have a long list of artist, but more notable names are Lee Shiney, Hanna Easton, and Jacki McElroy. These are all well-know artists within Kansas. We have a total of 29 registered artists and who ever within our community comes out, that number we hope will be big! Last year for our first year we had 400 participants.
We have always liked the idea of children’s squares and the fun the kids have doing them at festivals throughout the country. What is your view on encouraging and inspiring the street painting art form with children and younger student artists?
I believe that art should be accessible, that is not always a matter of skill, but sometimes a matter of acting, by doing the part of the artist we all may be the artist. Children have an innate ability to access purity in image; they can call on things that adults have to conjure and in this way I think their art is often very interesting and inspiring to others.
Where do you see the festival going and growing in the near future?
I would hope to continue to expand yearly and grow into Wichita which is a large city with a thriving art community; we are only 20 minutes north of the city it would be great to have art spanning the whole way!
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