Street painter Lee Jones and team created football themed chalk murals at the Super Bowl XLIV in Miami, FL! I'm sure their art work helped fire up the crowd for the big game between the New Orleans Saints and the Indianapolis Colts.
Chalk mural by Carolyn Schultz at Super Bowl XLIV
Tell us about the art pieces you and your team created for Super Bowl XLIV?
LJ: Our team of 4
The walls were (supposed to be) covered with pastel paper. The company that the paper was ordered from did not send enough paper, so we went to the area art store and purchased a generic drawing paper that was attached to the remaining two walls. All four walls were football action shots, and each included players from the 2 participating teams.
Chalk mural by Lee Jones at Super Bowl XLIV (in progress above and finished below)
Who designed the pieces?
LJ: Myself - Lee Jones, a street painter based in
What types of materials were involved?
LJ: Walls were built for us, and the paper attached to the walls. Of course, we then used lots of pastels and fixative!
Chalk mural by Anna McCambridge at Super Bowl XLIV (in progress above and finished below)
Did the art favor one team over the other or did it include both teams?
LJ: It included both teams
Chalk mural by Ron Hawkins at Super Bowl XLIV
Where was the work located…indoors or outdoors?
LJ: Sort of both. The stadium is an open-air venue, so although we were inside the stadium - it seemed like we were outdoors. We chalked on walls that were built inside the Premiere Hospitality areas in the stadium, where people would be spending time during the pre-game party.
Chalk murals at Super Bowl XLIV
Please describe the excitement being at the Super Bowl...
LJ: The magnitude of this event was amazing! The security, the set-up, the beautiful rooms we did artwork in, watching the Who rehearse for the half time show, watching Queen Latifah practice the National Anthem and even seeing the teams practice. We were all very excited to be part of this event.
Lee, Carolyn and Ron at Super Bowl XLIV
What was the reaction of the public when they saw your work?
LJ: We have no idea since we left before the fans started arriving in the stadium. We do know that the NFL was blown away by our pieces, and that is pretty exciting.
What was the most challenging part of the project?
LJ: Probably the most challenging was working on walls where the paper was not properly attached, and the drawing paper that had to be used did not have as much tooth to hold the chalk as the pastel paper. Because we were affected by the elements such as moisture and humidity, the paper on the walls was warping considerably. This slowed us down and bit and we were behind at the start since all of the walls were not ready. All of us would have liked a few more hours to add additional detail.
Also, the spot lights made it very hot as well. But heck, we should be used to the heat...we live in