Festival Bella Via 2010 in Monterrey, Mexico, was a huge success with lots of pretty stunning artwork this year and the Qualificati category was just amazing! After a contestant wins the Semplici category (either in Renaissance or Free Theme), that contestant can participate in the next level the following year, the Qualificati category.
Since there were just ten Qualificati street paintings in the competition, we are showing all of them since they were all beautiful and the artists deserve praise for their hard work. Great job!
All winners are noted & congratulation to the winners!
PRIMER LUGAR: Juandres Vera y Marisol Antillon (San Nicolas, Nuevo Leon) - 'Romeo y Julieta'
Autor: Hugues Merle, 1879 - Anthony Fine Arts, Salt Lake, Utah, EUA
Note: By winning this category, Juandres is now a Maestro, the top title given to street painters!
PRIMIO ESPECIAL QUALIFICATI: David G. Gonzalez Gomez (San Pedro, Nuevo Leon) - 'Zapata'
Autor: David Gonzalez, 1980 - Coleccion Particular
PREMIO DEL PUBLICO: Ofelia Margarita Botello Morales y Dayra Botello Morales (Garcia, Nuevo Leon) - 'Incondicional'
Autor: Crouchy, 2010 - Coleccion Particular
PREMIO MADONNARI: Alba Rosa Amezcua Contreras y Jesus Alberto Anaya Rodriguez (Monterrey, Nuevo Leon) - 'Incondicional'
Autor: William Adolphe Bouguereau, 1866 - Fondo Nac para la Preservacion Historica de NY, EUA
PREMIO INSTITUTO DE LA JUVENTUD: Roberto Carlos Trevino Rodriguez (Guadalupe, Nuevo Leon) - 'Lero Lero'
Autor: Roberto Trevino, 2010 - Edificio de "El Norte", Monterrey, N.L.
Madonnaro: Ruben Martinez Arriaga (Apodaca, Nuevo Leon) - 'El Chinaco y La China'
Autor: Jose Agustin Arrieta, 1850 - Coleccion Particular
Madonnaro: Carlos Cardenas (Durango) - 'Descendimiento'
Autor: Jacopo Pontormo, 1525-28 - Santa Felicita, Florencia, Italia
Madonnaro: Joel Vicente Flores Quiroz (Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon) - 'La Ofrenda'
Autor: Saturnino Herran, 1913 - Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Mexico, D.F.
Madonnara: Cintia Iris Arellano Vazquez - 'El Musico Feliz'
Autor: Geritt Van Honthorst, 1624 - Coleccion Particular
Madonnari: Valentino Salas Marquez y Gerardo Salas Marquez (Durango) - 'Canciones de Primavera'
Autor: William Adolphe Bouguereau , 1890 - Coleccion Particular