Above: Here is a picture of Wendy and I, founders of Innovative Street Painting Group (which produces this blog) with our longtime street painting art friends Rosa Maria Leal and Cuong Nguyen at the Festival Bella Via in Monterrey, Mexico in October, 2011. I (Anthony Cappetto)am at the far left, Rosa Maria, Wendy Stum, and Cuong Nguyen.
Happy New Year 2012 from Blog Now on streetpainting.tv!!!
That being said, now on to where Blog Now will be going this year in 2012...
Wendy and I wish to apologize to our readers for being quiet during the last part of 2011. We admit that we have been very involved with a series of street painting art projects with our other company, Art for After Hours which has kept us particulary busy. While we were in the midst of these activities, we gave serious thought as to how we wanted to make Blog Now even better and more engaging than we have had before. And this is what we are thinking...
Starting this week, Blog Now on streetpainting.tv is moving to posting daily with posts, discussion, and thoughts about street painting art, festivals, and observed developments which we see as our way of sharing our appreciation and attention relevant to a blog such as ours that is "..for artists, festivals, and fans..."
Watch very soon for Blog Nows posting on the winners at the Festival Bella Via 2011, but also short posts about the many artists who created work for the festival who are the backbone of such exciting international street painting art competitions such as this.
There will also be similar coverage short posts from events that we have attended in Saarasota, FL as well as events coming up this year in the USA, Mexico, and Europe through local reporters on the scene, and of course our level, journalistic coverage of festival directors and industry professionals in all locations.
Pictured above: We noticed this street painting at the Sarasota Chalk Festival and we recalled the life of Toto de Angelis (Straccetto) who left us in 2011. His experience as a Madonnaro in the true sense is an inspiration to every one of us who all who street paint, chalk, screeve anywhere in the world today.
Have a very Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year from Wendy and I at Blog Now on streetpainting.tv.