Art for After Hours is pleased and honored to present ‘Liberty Tree’ a 3D illusionary design by internationally recognized 3D 4D Chalk Artist Anthony Cappetto and the team of Wendy Stum and new team member Holland Waters Winslow.
In the spirit of the historic theme of the Liberty Tree in which the famous quotation by Thomas Jefferson stated:
“The tree of liberty
must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
We intend to ignore the tyrants completely. We strive to honor and respect our patriots fully and completely in this artwork which will measure 15 by 30 feet in size.
Upon completion of our piece, we invite those who have are serving, have served, or those who have loved ones who gave their lives for this country to chalk their names on the leaves of the Liberty Tree.
When we run out of leaves, people can write those names at the base of the artwork as well.
Art for After Hours, founded in 2001 by Anthony Cappetto, an internationally known 3D 4D Chalk Artist and Wendy Stum has been honored to bring exhibition class 3D illusionary designs to the Sarasota Chalk Festival since 2010.