Wendy and I here at Blog Now on streetpainting.tv have learned about the Italian Family Festa in Talahassee, FL and wish to tell you a little bit about it... Check it out this April!
Here are some thoughts from the Italian Family Festival Directors Blog Now is happy to share with our readers - enjoy!
Elizabeth Ricci and Shelley Duke are the Executive Directors of Italian Family Festa, Inc. As two Italian Americans, they decided to start a local Italian club in Tallahassee, FL, call CIAO! (Capital Italian American Organ.) in order to promote positive Italian and Italian American images. In their words below:
"With some of the negative stereotypes that we see on tv, we thought it would be important for our young daughters to see what real Italian culture looks like. A few years later, we decided to try our hands at bringing the Florida Panhandle's first large Italian Family Festa! The Festa has grown over the past three years and last year we decided to incorporate a new cultural aspect to the Festival by having a "Madonnari" sidewalk chalk contest. The response was huge! We featured Jennifer Chaparro's work over that weekend. Festa goers from as far away as Georgia, the FL beaches, Jacksonville and Alabama came to our regional Festival to try their hand at winning prize money! We had an Italian theme for the Madonnari artwork last year. This year's theme for our Festival is "A Venetian Voyage" and the artists will be creating works based off of this theme! We are excited about promoting this art and educating the public on the beautiful works and Italian origins of the Madonnari street painters!"
Beautiful Street painting Art reproduction by Madonnara Jennifer Chaparro.
A street painting artist from Georgia created a piece featuring the beloved character Pinnochio...
The finished street painting of Pinnochio on his way to school...
Best in Show at the 2012 - 'Pinnochio' by newcomer Lee Mobley.
We're excited about new festivals developing and making the presence known in the street painting community!
A couple of Madonnara at the Italian Family Festa...
Anthony Cappetto and Wendy Stum are bloggers and moderate 'Blog Now on streetpainting.tv' a dedicated street painting/chalk art blog started in 2007 to reach the street painting art world with interviews and news about festivals and events in a journalistic fashion. Blog Now on streetpainting.tv ia part of Innovative Street Painting Group, Inc.
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